Sunday, January 11, 2009

On The Waterfront

The difference between a traitor and a whistleblower is in the eye of the beholder. That is to say that there are two views in any conflict. For example, one individuals terrorist is another individuals freedom fighter. In the beginning of On The Waterfront, Terry Malloy believes that reporting the mob to the police would be wrong, (not to mention unhealthy). Because of Terry's experiences during the film, his thinking of informing against wrongdoing change.

What is a tattletale? In my opinion, a tattletale is someone who reports someone to an authority for doing something that the authority doesn't want them to do. I believe this is wrong to do. Unless, of course, that the thing that this person is doing is harmful or dangerous.

1 comment:

simply me said...

i agree with you. i definitely think that it depends on who is viewing the situation.

you have some really good views in here, but you could definitely use a little more analysis.